It has already been almost a year since I wrote my last blog entry on this blog site. I have been busy working for a big client, making a big MVC .NET intranet website for searching and displaying internal files and dossiers.

I did a lot of MVC, Razor, jQuery and WCF work so all in all it was very interesting, but it also meant that I couldn’t put any time in some of my other projects. Like .NET iPhone / iPad programming!

Now I decided to do a very necessary upgrade of one of my apps in the Apple app store. The name of the app is “Mircules DX Cluster“, Mircules being the name of my own company. The main upgrade I did was to convert it to iOS 7, because it was still iOS 6! I noticed a significant drop in sales because people are looking for the newest apps of course and iOS 6 apps just don’t fit that category.

So now that I put the new and improved app in the store, I need to add a few new features to it. Next to this I have another (new) app I want to put in the store. There are some other iOS and Mac OSx projects I want to finish and finally put out there so they can start making me some money! 😉

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